

HOW IT FEELS TO WRITE EN NOBODY RESPONDS Joshua 24:15  But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” -------------------------------------------- Joshua a servant of the most high ,moved the gang to far. He tried all level his best to see that the people given unto him reach a destiny of promise. The Israelites however, were stuborn . They didn't want instructions and were not willing to follow the written laws. They always wanted to have their own things done in their own way. They even reached a point of wanting to worship other gods other than the God of Moses. At the plan of Joshua, the Israelites would fall victims of chaos.  Joshua tried hard to write a desirable destiny, yet the Israelites never responded positively.  ...


SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:                           HOLD IT   INTRO :  It is easy to go through life and feel embarrassed. And because of such embarrassment, it also easy to feel like throwing out something to compensate for your bad feelings. You feel you should throw out a word at someone, you feel you should throw off the relationship, you feel you should throw off the patience.  There is something that happens behind the scene that we never know about. And if we knew it, we would understand the power of holding it to our selves.   PROB : The problem we have is that we want to seek for compensation in short times, for revenge within no times...and never want to hold reactions for long.   PURP :  To enable us hold our emotions and anxieties in a world of intolerance.       >>> Christ was a man who faced a lot of persecution. He was always sought for b...


TRASH THE SCORE Proverbs 17:9  He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends. -------------------------------------------- It now evident that we are different and have been made to be different. The emotions you have are different from the emotion pattern your friend has. The way you think is different from the way your neighbor thinks. Because there are differences, we should expect different results whose frequencies can become a stain to your soul. And such stains to the soul can become scores...grudge against... A study found out that 78% of people make decisions from an emotional perspective. Because someone wronged you, you draw your goals to satisfy your emotions. You make plans and are motivated to go forward because you want someone else to feel down-to-earth. The bible talks of movements that are made in such ways, such movements cannot see the light of God. We cannot effectively promote love and unity if ...


REWARDS   Revelation 22:12 “ Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. -------------------------------------------- There is a time we all reach and wonder whether what we do is really authentic. We wonder whether or not.. God is real. We wonder whether our help to others is Worth. The laws of the universe stands give and it will come back to you. Whatever you give comes to you in the manner and measure you gave. There is no way you can by pass such a law. When you give into theft, your rewards will be what a thief deserves. When you give into care and kindness, your rewards will be as care and kindness deserves. You may not get the rewards from the person you gave it to...may be you gave a coin to a person and they will give a coin to you in future. It is not like traditional transactions. There is a system that pays you when you give. There is a kingdom that rewards you when you offer.  Some...


DEVOTION Deuteronomy 6:4-5  Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength -------------------------------------------- When God made man, He made them with ingredients and elements. One concrete thing we have found out is that every person was made different. And that because they were all made different, they have different ingredients and different elements. And one reason for the making of the different ingredients was cost sharing. Can you well imagine a person who has every element that human nature provides? Well that sounds ridiculous. Simply because there is a boundary. When you have, I may not have what you have; and so I may need what you have. It is therefore your role to provide me with what you have. I may lack love and desire to be loved. I may lack care and desire for your care. It is your role to be devoted to provide what is within you. Love your God with...


BEARING   Ephesians 4:2  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. -------------------------------------------- It's is easy to be frustrated when you stay with people who you should stay with. You know you can't escape them, but will have to stay. And they are cheap to selling anger and driving hot wine to your nerves. But there is an element that our Lord Christ had while He was on earth. He was provoked to anger. He was insulted. He was called all names. And even when He had moved with disciples for a long time, they still couldn't believe Him. They still couldn't understand. But one thing Christ had was to bear with them.  It is through the art of bearing that we are able to keep inner peace. It is through bearing with one another that we can leave in Harmony. People don't want to annoy you daily; but just because they are not you, they will do things that contradict your instincts. Of course some will deliberatel...


UNSHAKABLE FLOW Isaiah 54:10  Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you. -------------------------------------------- Did you know that the God of Isaac and Abraham is the same God you speak to every morning. Have you noticed that God never changes in His patterns of promise and fulfilment. He promised Abraham a land of his own and he gave it to him. He promised to rescue Israel from a foreign land and He did it. The God we serve Is unchanging. He is the same yesterday , today and forever.  Even when things fall apart , he still remains Jehovah. Even when your life seems mountainous, he still remains God. And that because He still remains God in all situations, His promises unto us never change...they are unshakable. The flow of His favor remains the same . The flow of His grace remains the same. The flow of His peace remain...