BEARING Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. -------------------------------------------- It's is easy to be frustrated when you stay with people who you should stay with. You know you can't escape them, but will have to stay. And they are cheap to selling anger and driving hot wine to your nerves. But there is an element that our Lord Christ had while He was on earth. He was provoked to anger. He was insulted. He was called all names. And even when He had moved with disciples for a long time, they still couldn't believe Him. They still couldn't understand. But one thing Christ had was to bear with them. It is through the art of bearing that we are able to keep inner peace. It is through bearing with one another that we can leave in Harmony. People don't want to annoy you daily; but just because they are not you, they will do things that contradict your instincts. Of course some will deliberatel...