

SPROUT AGAIN.  Job:14.7    "At least there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail. --------------------------------------------      Because of the past failure, somehow we tend to loose confidence in the different dreams we have. You failed in dream x and so you start to doubt dream y.  Failure at one point doesn't mean that you cannot excel at another point. If you fail in this season, doesn't mean that you cannot succeed in the next season. There is a stump that is left after yours has been cut. Your failure has not registered a complete loss in all your life. Somebody may see a looser in you but God still sees a victor in you. You are not totally destroyed. Even God's word says may be pressed but will never be destroyed. There is still hope dear, even if something has been pinned to the ground in this season, God is preparing something new to sprout in the next season. Job had lost everythi


CONTINUE DOING GOOD. Galatians:6.9  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. --------------------------------------------      Whenever one draws towards doing what they think Is good, the devil draws to pull them down. He does that by using the people that surround them. And because your language is right, there are people who will come up with criticism to dilute your language. They will say all kinds of sayings and speak all kinds of words which will make you think your actions are on the leeward side.  The times you reap are never the times of sowing. You sow and wait for the seeds to grow to become plants with the desirable fruits. So If it is the goodness that you sow everyday. It may seem not yielding fruits now. But there is a proper time to harvest the fruits. Your goodness is germinating. There will be plants that will spring up from you that will yield better fruits than what the world may see now. They regar


 SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:         BUILDING EVERLASTING FAITH.   _INTRO_ :  Hebrews 11 . Faith is a substance of hopes and beliefs that the future holds something better. Faith is an element that connects us one to one with God within the spirit. We cannot please God without building everlasting faith.   _PROB_ :  We tend to loose focus as we move with God to a future that we hope for.   _PURP_ :  To ground us in stronger hopes that will enable us please God.    >>> Many people that received healing from Christ, received it by faith; as Christ told them that your faith has healed you. But have you ever wondered as to why Christ told them that your faith(hope) has healed you? There is a definite end that God has prepared for each of us. This end only waits for one thing, faith.  God waits for you to draw hopes towards him so you can tap in the already prepared future. He knows what He has for you in this ministry. He knows the journey He is moving with you. But one thing we ne


GOD OF THE LIVING. Psalm:88.10  Do you shown your wonders to the dead? Do those who are dead rise up and praise you? Selah.11 Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction? .12 Are your wonders known in the place of darkness, or your righteous deeds in the land of oblivion? --------------------------------------------      When the dead die, they are at rest and await for their days of resurrection to come. That is the judgement day.  In God's plan and good purpose He plans not for the dead . Of course He plans to rise them up and have their judgement. But He plans not to perform wonders and signs among the dead. God doesn't plan to perform healing among those who died. He doesn't plan financial breakthrough within the graves. The plans of God are for you. God's plans are for the living . When God prepares love, He prepares love for you. It is you God thinks about. Your now situation doesn't compare to that of the dead. The situati


FOOD OF THE SPIRIT. Job:23.12  I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread. --------------------------------------------      The food to the body is vegetable and crops . And in as much as the body has its series of foods and drinks that sustain it, the spirit has its own. The foods to the flesh are not the foods to the spirit.  The word of our God is our food. When He speaks, we are satisfied.  The loss of appetite within your heart is rooted to the loss of appetite within God's word. Your wandering, looking for hope is rooted from your wandering away from the word.  Life is lifeless without the spirit. And the spirit is lifeless without the word.  Looking for life in this world. Look for the word within scripture . Christ is our bread of life. He is our blood for our souls.  There is a misery somebody is going through. There is something to feed that soul. Misery is not the flesh. Misery is rooted from the s


CELEBRATE WITH CHRIST. Nehemiah:8.10  Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." --------------------------------------------      There is a time to cry and a time to laugh. There is a time to be sad and a time to be happy. On thing that makes our God filled with joy is when He sees you receiving salvation. As you have received salvation, times of sorrows are no more. You have unlimited hopes; you have a helper. Christ the Lord is by your side. Whatever the challenge, Christ has pinned it to the cross. Those that used to laugh at you have been given a dateline. The dateline is now. Their actions are void. Christ you accepted into your life has made all things new. It is time to celebrate your life. In the past, the devil used you like recurring rags and never gave you repair. But as you received Christ, repairs have been


PRAY AND WORK. Nehemiah:4.9  But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat. --------------------------------------------      When the bible says that my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge, it is evident within some people. Because they prayed, they incline to careless acts; believing that God is then the one to do. That God will do as they like needles of their efforts. They obviously put forward all reasoning as to why they relent to their carefree actions. And within this very group, they pray and sit at home with claims that God's blessings looks for you; and that like it is said, even though the house is closed, the blessings will penetrate. With such view of God, they don't take effort to toil and work out success. All they know is to sit on verandas while praying and do nothing.  God is not a substitute for your efforts. He is not a replacement of your brain power. He is a guide and helper. You need to do something about what you