

*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  *Genesis:6.5*   The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. .6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. --------------------------------------------  The actions of a man come from the inside of a man. What you do and what you don't do depends on the position of your heart. Evil and good come from the mind. Sin comes from the mind.  Here within scripture, we see how God's holy heart is filled with pain because the inclination of thoughts. It's significant to note that what displeases God comes right from the heart and that what will please him will also come from the heart. The righteousness that God desires of you is right in your heart. He needs your thoughts to become pure. The best of your salvation is in your mind. The spirit of God never works in soul whose thoughts are inclined.  God to b


*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  *Ephesians:5.15*  Be very careful, then, how you live-- not as unwise but as wise, 16. making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. .17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. --------------------------------------------   Many times we lead our life carelessly and handle opportunities without diligence in daily lives and spiritual lives .  It is assured that the times we live in evil and that days are close to the end. However ,that there are opportunities alongside God's will. It is therefore very necessary for us to understand what God's Will is for us and identify the opportunities during this evil times.  if you understand the will of God in your life it is very easy to spot opportunities.  We live careless lives because we don't understand God's will in our lives .We complain that there are no opportunities in our areas and countries because we don't understand God's Will in our l


 SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:                     LET GOD TAKE LEAD.  _INTRO_ : Leading is being at the center of all that happens within a particular society. It is being control of results and solutions to challenges .it is being responsible. It is being at the center person of the challenges of life or an organization .  _PROB_ : The problem we have is we give God limited time in involvement of our personal lives.  _PURP_ : purpose Is to enable us let God do what he is supposed to do to build a stronger relationship with him through his involvement in our lives.    >>> Many times we state a problem to God yet we try to find our way through the problem. we want to run our lives ,ministry by canal understanding. Why God lets challenges be in our lives; besides making us grow is to strengthen the relationship we have with him. Letting him take the lead is fulfilling his purpose of one to one relationship in our lives.  OUR PROBLEM . Matthew 15:32-36.Jesus called his disciples


*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  James:4.10  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. --------------------------------------------   There is a principle that God uses. It seems simple but has determined who stays at the top and who steps down to the is.... The Lord draws down the arrogant and lifts the humble; and of course if the lifted humble become arrogant due to their new grade, He lets them down. Many people are where they are; I mean the low grade of life they dwell in, because of the nature of their character. The character of arrogance. And many people are at an upper grade of life because of the great humility that God sees in them. When there is arrogance, there is a sense of oppression of given personalities. The other people feel unworthy. They feel God has given them nothing. And God views an arrogant person as an enemy. An enemy against his creatures, creatures in his image.....and so going against Himself. If such arrogance has an upper hand in so


*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  *2 Corinthians:5.17*   Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! -------------------------------------------- Salvation is a covenant of change. It is meant to put a person into another relationship. In such a way, character is meant to change. And your spirituality needs to change.  The curse and whatever evil covenants that were made for you in the days of the old have been broken.  The relationships that one had in the days of the past have to change. It is significant to note that as there is a significant change in your life, the devil has to change his evil strategies against you. Whatever tool he used to use against you will be changed to a more weaked one.  As there is such a change in his strategies, there should be a change of the mind therefore. Many times people fail to renew their thoughts even after having received Christ. One has to understand the battles they are to fight...they are not of flesh nor


*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  *Philippians:4.4*   Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! -------------------------------------------- This scripture is calling our for a soul to look at what Christ has done and not what He has not done. At times we don't gain full joy Within out hearts because of looking at what has not yet been done. We think we have prayed enough but God has not done enough. We think God has forgotten us. Such a mindset only generates misery and a sorrowful face all times. The fact that Christ died for you on the cross indicates that He has give you the right to become a child of the most high. He gave You His best. You are a royalty in christ Jesus.  He stood In your place and died for you, indicating that he has pinned all trouble to the cross...and so you should let go of worries and be glad. Rejoice in the lord always. What He has done is enough, he said it is finished. What He is preparing for in the life to come is beyond imagination. Never thirst


* Exodus:14.4 *   And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them. But I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD." So the Israelites did this. -------------------------------------------- There are situations that don't cool down because God has not yet gained His glory. God let's some circumstances to overtake us in order for Him to stretch out His hand and do what has failed man. Pharaoh's heart was already hard , and he could not let the israelites go out of Egypt. But that was not enough, the Lord had to harden his heart the more. So that the israelites would appreciate the saving powerful hand of God. If pharaoh's heart was humbled and that just one word from Moses would make him let the people go, the israelites wouldn't realize true redemption.  God's glory cannot be fully revealed in your life if some situations are not hardened. God is a God of impossibles. He star