

DIVINE PROVISION. Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. 20 To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. -------------------------------------------- Do you think all that you have gotten is by human efforts without a trace of divine intervention.? Do you think all that you feed on is nothing but your sole sweat without a hand from the almighty? It is a lie when you think you have it all by your self. The righteous live by faith. And so they achieve by faith. They gain by faith. As a child of the most high, there is a force that is definitely behind your progress. There is a master planner who drives you to your ends even when you don't realize. God is your father. When He calls you son and you call him Father, you mean provider . You are His child. He has the right and the responsibility of providing for you and meeting your needs.  There is no need to worry about yourself. There is much more i


SPEAK TO SOMEBODY. Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. -------------------------------------------- When creating life, God didn't make each independent. He made an eco- system that allows each life to depend on the other. He made people not as islands of themselves but watchers of others; hands in times of need. We all go through challenges that need a hand to help. We go through discouragements that need a voice to heal. The healing cannot happen if we keep quiet with our motivating words. We have to speak to somebody. There is a special word that God has set in your heart that is to build someone out there. God doesn't use stones to speak to people . He uses people to speak to people. He uses your voice to speak to the one He desires. Keeping quiet is letting God down. Not speaking to someone is letting them down. Someone needs you . They need what you have got in your heart. They need to listen to the still


THE ROOT OF REPENTANCE. Job 42:6. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” -------------------------------------------- Many times , those that backslide from right paths , do so because of a spirit that they hold tight onto. They feel they are in the right and don't desire correction. Yes , it is the feeling of being the right and the other being the wrong. It is that spirit of rigidity that has suppressed many souls allover the world.  Many of them, because of guilt, have failed to humble themselves. This is because humbling yourself means despising yourself and regarding someone else as better and right. And that that person's call will make you better.  Repentance begins by us having a heart of pity upon ourselves and seek for salvation from that one who can help. The scripture says..."despise myself...and repent".  It begins with the mind of lowness . A mind that has accepted defeat. A mind that has become desperate for salvation. It


STORE YOUR TREASURES IN HEAVEN . Matthew 6:20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. -------------------------------------------- Heaven is not built by clay...not by human hands. The materials that build earthly treasures are not the materials that build heavenly treasures. There is a material that you need to send to build your heavenly fraternity. Many times, we wake up to accumulate wealth consciously. We strive to get what we call wealth on earth. We do that consciously. But many times, our wealth is left for earth and never follows those that depart.  Storage of heavenly treasures is a little unique. It involves the conscience mind and doing things that leave a mark in the kingdom of heaven. You can use your wealth to build the heavenly treasures. Heavenly treasures that are built by the strength of God's kingdom on earth require things that are fruits of the spirit. Use you


TAPPING INTO THE MISTERIOUS POWER. Mark 16:17. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” -------------------------------------------- Jesus is risen. And like He said that He will destroy the temple and in three days He will rebuild it. He has done so. He is living amongst us. The power that was meant to manifest after the great event of His resurrection is now here. The power is swimming among us. There is an empowerment that we have as believers because of the great event of resurrection.  It is when Christ died and rose that He promised to send us a helper. It is when He resurrected that Christ gave us the power to step on scorpions and will see no harm. He gave us the power over sickness. He gave us the keys to open


SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:               THE MIRACLE OF RESURRECTION.   INTRO : The death of Jesus did not mark the end of the life of Christ. His death marked the beginning of greater life. It marked the beginning of greater relationship. It marked the beginning of salvation. However the proof that Jesus was the true son of God would not have been known if Christ didn't rise from the dead. There are special events that marked the miraculous event. There are special things that we received because of such event.     PROB : Many of us have remained less knowledgeable about the miracle of resurrection and haven't tapped into the things that we have been privelaged to.   PURP :  To enlighten us about the great event in Jesus' life and what it meant for us as believers.     >>> The story of Elijah and Elisha is interesting. Elisha was suddened by the news that his master Elijah would be take up to heaven and would leave him alone. Elisha being wise, he a


CRUCIFIED John 19:30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. -------------------------------------------- The world was one in a state of nothing but destruction. God remembered the covenant He had made with Noah...that He will not again destroy this Earth with water. He therefore sent His only son Jesus Christ who died for our sins. And for this , whoever believes in Him shall not perish by water nor by fire but shall be saved through Him. The world had sinned and only one thing could save her from the arms of destruction... salvation. Jesus gave up everything in the heavenly palace and came to die for me and you. He came to redeem all of us from the hand of darkness.  The devil at every stage of humanity had set traps in which humans would be destroyed externally. He wanted humanity to perish worse than they did in Noah's times during the great floods. But Christ with endless Love stood in the