

THE REAL LANDLORD   Proverbs 20:24  A man’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way? -------------------------------------------- Because we are tossed left and right, and all around, we tend to think we are moving alone in this seemingly endless journey. There seems to be no one to help...No one cares. There seems no way out. We seem alone. And because we feel we are alone, we do everything with our intellect and energy to see the best come out. We try to move the journey with our understanding.  But in as much as you were created by someone else is the fact that someone else is the real landlord. You may think that you own your life 100 percent. You may feel you control it 100 percent. But there is no 100 percent to the fact. There is just a little.  The real landlord is somewhere watching and directing. He is planning and executing His plans for your life. He understands your steps and knows where best to take you. He understands your f


*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  HOLY REPLY 1 Peter 3:15  But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect -------------------------------------------- There is obviously a gang of people who are torn between life and death. And there are many that are between the world and salvation. Even the Bible hits light on these kind of people. It talks of how some are lukewarm and are not really to any side. They obviously have a character. And one of the character that makes them torn in-between is question. They pose a series of questions in their minds and need answers to them.  They question the good that is in Christ. They question the reality of heaven. They question the existence of God. They question the reality of the death of Christ. They question the reality of a fact that Jesus is the son for God. Some question the reality of eternal life.


YOUR FAITH DOES MIRACLES Mark 5:34  He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." -------------------------------------------- At many occasions, Jesus went by and he was countered by many sick people. He was Believed to be a miracle a worker. And because of such beliefs, many ran to him for cure and for miracles. Jesus having seen the state of their hearts, he always told many that were to be headed, "your faith has healed you". But have we asked ourselves why he never said "my faith has healed you?. He had the power and that was what everyone knew! But if he said it their faith that healed them , literally means he never did anything but it is them that got healed by their beliefs. Whenever God wanted to have an encounter with people, he always said ,"don't be afraid". That phrase literally means that have faith...have courage. At that say, God wanted those people to have an inner st


HISTORY WITH GOD Leviticus 26:13  I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high . -------------------------------------------- Long time ago, in the times far away, you were desperate and needed help. You prayed day and night. You sought for Jehovah Jireh to provide. You wanted somebody to be besides you. You needed a history. Jehovah shammah was present. He become the somebody you could lean on . He became the very help in the times of trouble. He made a history with you.  Have you realised that you have come a long way yet you still remain health and strong to praise God. Many have died but who are you to still remain alive? Many have slept hungry, but who are you to have food? Many have died because of hunger, many died in the pandemic, who are you? Because of the seemingly unending challenges, many of us become desperate. We think Go


HOW IT FEELS TO WRITE EN NOBODY RESPONDS Joshua 24:15  But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” -------------------------------------------- Joshua a servant of the most high ,moved the gang to far. He tried all level his best to see that the people given unto him reach a destiny of promise. The Israelites however, were stuborn . They didn't want instructions and were not willing to follow the written laws. They always wanted to have their own things done in their own way. They even reached a point of wanting to worship other gods other than the God of Moses. At the plan of Joshua, the Israelites would fall victims of chaos.  Joshua tried hard to write a desirable destiny, yet the Israelites never responded positively.    Some people


SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:                           HOLD IT   INTRO :  It is easy to go through life and feel embarrassed. And because of such embarrassment, it also easy to feel like throwing out something to compensate for your bad feelings. You feel you should throw out a word at someone, you feel you should throw off the relationship, you feel you should throw off the patience.  There is something that happens behind the scene that we never know about. And if we knew it, we would understand the power of holding it to our selves.   PROB : The problem we have is that we want to seek for compensation in short times, for revenge within no times...and never want to hold reactions for long.   PURP :  To enable us hold our emotions and anxieties in a world of intolerance.       >>> Christ was a man who faced a lot of persecution. He was always sought for by his enemies. They wanted him dead at all cost. Reaching a point of shamelessly paying one of his disciple to bet


TRASH THE SCORE Proverbs 17:9  He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends. -------------------------------------------- It now evident that we are different and have been made to be different. The emotions you have are different from the emotion pattern your friend has. The way you think is different from the way your neighbor thinks. Because there are differences, we should expect different results whose frequencies can become a stain to your soul. And such stains to the soul can become scores...grudge against... A study found out that 78% of people make decisions from an emotional perspective. Because someone wronged you, you draw your goals to satisfy your emotions. You make plans and are motivated to go forward because you want someone else to feel down-to-earth. The bible talks of movements that are made in such ways, such movements cannot see the light of God. We cannot effectively promote love and unity if we k