

   * Matthew:25.15 *   To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.  Resources on earth are distributed differently. Where there is gold, you may not find fertile soils. In places of crude oil, you may not find water. What oil does is different from what fertile soils do. And what gold does is different from oil. Yet they are all usefully. God has preciously placed abilities in each of us.  You are not better than me , and not better than you. Because what I can do, you cannot do, and what you can do, I cannot do. I need you and you need me. Some have been given greatness in a given area. Some have been given wealth and others don't have. But it doesn't make the wealthy better than the poor. The poor are important and the rich are important. The abilities that a poor man may have , the rich may lack. Those that were given five talents and two talents made...


 *SUNDAY SERVICE*  *SERMON*:                  EMBRACING SALVATION.  _INTRO_ :  Salvation is a spiritual program that we have decided to yield our heart to .      It occupies the rest of our lives. It dominates and influences many parts of our lives.     Therefore, it is very necessary for us to think about salvation most of the our time and how we organize our hearts to benefit from it.  _PROB_ :  But the problem we have is ; though we have embarked on this eternal program, we don't give it the much time it needs and thus don't reap the ultimate benefits attached to it.  _PURP_ :  Therefore, the purpose of this lesson is to prepare our hearts to fit in the timeless salvation we  have so as to reap it's benefits.   >> Salvation as a gift from God determines what kind of person we become now and in eternity.    Salvation influences our li...


*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  Matthew:25.21  "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'   Practically, a boss doesn't promote a worker unless they have shown the ability of management. They have to show that they can control the little they have been entrusted with.  The Lord cannot give you beyond what you may not control. The servants who were given little and showed ultimate ability to control were given more. The servant who showed inability to manage the little he was given was left with nothing. The Lord gives us responsibilities, but what degree of control do we show.? You want to the Lord to promote you at you workplace, but you have failed to take care of the five christians that He has put under your control. You want God to expand your business so that you may have more stores, but you have failed to balance the time you spe...


   * Ephesians:5.8*   For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. The people in darkness speak according to the knowledge they are endowed with in that realm. They act according to spirits they are ministered to. They lead their lives in accordance with the authorities of darkness. We were once in that realm of darkness. But now since christ has brought us to the higher realm in light; The realm in which we access deep knowledge of God, and behold the presence of His spirit, we need to live as children of light not darkness.  We need to speak of light. We need to sing psalms of light not of darkness. We need to bear the fruits of christ. Dear brethrens, light is above darkness, it is more effective. Practically, People in darkness can see light easily. Do you think the people around you see you as light easily; In your speech, and actions; are you the light they need? In ministry, are you the light peopl...


 * Psalm:119.18 *   Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.       Obviously, what God sets forth as a word with it's costs has does and don'ts; it has its fruits. You cannot discover the fruits in God's word unless you bear the costs of following the word. However, you cannot behold the goodness in the word unless your eyes are open. Your eyes cannot be opened unless God has set them to be so. Your eyes - your mind. The devil fights for your mind to be closed so that you never see the wonderful things in God's laws.  Pray therefore to the Spirit, pray that your mind is open as you follow God's law. So that you can follow with enthusiasm. # *Simon kutosi                                    1st msg


  SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:                           PAVING A GATEWAY FOR YOUR SPIRIT.  _INTRO_ : A spirit of a man is the inner self of a person. It is composed of character, behavior and thoughts. Dreams and plans lie their. Whatever a man does depends on what they take in and what they let their spirit execute.  _PROB_ : The problem we have is we have alot of misperceptions and have ignorantly tied ourselves in spirit; and so are not moving as expected.  _PURP_ : Therefore the purpose of this lesson is to help us loose our spirits from wrong norms and perceptions to pave way for progress.    >>>>What hinders a spirit is a spirit. For example what hinders your spirit from forgiveness is a spirit of unforgiveness . What holds back your heart is the mindset. Fear, low esteem , doubt are perceptions that imprison the creativity of the heart...and at the end, one i...


 SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:                     PRAYER PRAYER.  _INTRO_ : *Prayer* are the different forms of communicating with God. All forms that express your feeling to God and need an answer from Him are *Prayer* .     God as a recipient has principles that one follows in order for their case to Him to be successful.  _PROB_ : But the problem we have is that we have limited our minds to one or two forms of *prayer*. We present our *prayers* in ways that are not in line with God's principles.  _PURP_ : Therefore the purpose of this lesson is to enlight us about *Prayer* , it's obstacles and how to pray.       *Prayer* with it's varied is all important in christian life.       Different individuals have different ways of expressing their feelings thus different forms of *prayer* . However the well-known forms include: ~. *Prayers* of intercession. ~. Silent *Pra...