

KINGDOM SURPRISE   John 5:5  Now there is in Jerusalem... a pool,.. called Bethesda... 3 Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—.... 5 One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him... and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” -------------------------------------------- The man at the pool had made it his daily business to get near the waters and wait for the usual to happen. He waited for the angel who occasionally came to stir the waters to come and do so at his favor. He Did that but was all in vain. Not until one day, Christ pays a visit...not to all those that were at the pool but just to this man who had been ill for 38 year. It was a surprise day to him. It was a kingdom surprise. When we look into our lives, many of us have sat down with illnesses ,we have sat down with hopelessness, we have recurring failures. We have series of disappointments, relation


CLING ONTO THE VINE   John 15:1 Remain in me, and I will _remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. -------------------------------------------- However much God our creator is our father, there is a gap that He left for us to fill. There is an open software that He gave us to write instructions. It is through such initiatives that we are able to bear better fruits. Christ was given unto us as our mediator. He doesn't only intercede for us but also acts as a middle man of spiritual resources. It is when we abide in Him and Him in us that we receive such great gifts from our father. It is our role to remain in Him. There are many people who have stayed in a relationship between them and God for a long period of time but don't bear the desirable fruits. There are those that have walked in a certain denomination as Christians but have failed to bear desirable fruits. They have fail


LOVE FROM JEHOVAH   Psalms 100:5  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;his faithfulness continues through all generations. -------------------------------------------- If there was no reason to create human, God wouldn't have bothered doing so. The mere fact that He was bothered and He did create human, is the fact that there is reason for love. If there was no love, the world wouldn't be standing by now. But because there is love, the world still stands. And more importantly, the love is unending. It continues through generations. Because of trials that push us to the walls , many of us tend to think that our creator never cares about us. We think that His work was all to create and the creations will have to take care of themselves.  It is beloved today that our God loves us unendingly. He knows and is concerned about all that you go through. You may think he has abandoned you, but he is looking out for how best to help you. Even in an examination ro


OPEN ARMS. Psalms 119:173  May your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts. -------------------------------------------- Whenever, scientist think of the gold and silver that is underground, they get their hoes and machines to excavate the materials. They don't wait for it to be washed down by natural phenomenon and will get it on slopes of mountains. They go looking for it. The gold down is steady there. It is not movable and it is not changeable on its own. You have to seek out for it's favour of use. God is an unchanging God. He is steady and all available. The riches and the favours are all with him. You only need to go and look out for his hand. The God we love will serve the people that are available to serve him. He has open arms.  You may have gone astray from his paths, you don't need to hide and look for salvation from anywhere else. The open arms are here to save. They are like gold just ready waiting for you to go there and get it


WORD OF PEACE John 16:33  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -------------------------------------------- Whenever the mind is troubled, the think that brings it to settle is systematic thoughts. We become who are by the thought and word we have. When Christ says that He that is tired and troubled should come to him, it means the thought, the heart should go to him. You will obviously not visit heaven to see Christ because you feel werry ! There is a special element that Christ calls for . And that those that need peace must make it up to that element. He calls for an understanding of his word...the word of peace. There are many times we become tired and yet run to different means to settle with our inner self. We have at many occasions forgotten to run to Christ through his word.  The scripture above tell us that Christ has spoken all these in his word so that in


RETURN OF 1 OF THE 99 Luke 15:20  So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. -------------------------------------------- The son was long gone. He enjoyed the world to his peak. He saw that the regulations within the father's house were not his level. He wanted to find "life". There are times we become prodigal sons and prodigal daughters. We feel the standards that God has set for us, the church has set for us are no longer at our levels. We feel we have the ability to make our lives at whatever angle that we feel and think it should be. It is bad news for some of the prodigal daughters and sons. Some go wandering and never feel they should return. They feel the weight of sin commited is unforgivable in whichever manner of repentance. They feel they have lost their worth and all they are equal to is pig'


BLIND BELIEFS John 20:29  Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” -------------------------------------------- Long time ago, there was a man who was great foreteller. He had two special clients who were contradicting in traits. The foreteller used to tell them the things that were to happen in the coming future. One client (x) used to believe those tells because of the rumours he had heard about the foreteller. The other client (y) used to wait for such claims to pass so as to have an original story about the foreteller. One-day, the foreteller told the two men about a similar event to happen. They were both going to experience the event. He told them that the terrestrial beings called yellow sons of the emperor of southern cosmos of the emerald heaven throw whispers to the earthly mortals every after 100 years. And that the 100 years were about to pass in three days.  Whoever, picks up