

*2 Corinthians:4.8 *   We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; .9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. --------------------------------------------  In the above reading, it clearly means that persecution is a definite cause in our lives. Challenges are obvious. The devil fights all the time.  The devil fights all the time but to some extent we don't fight all the time like he does. At times he is fighting while we are seated. But why doesn't he over come us who are seated.? Because the Lord fights for us all the time; Otherwise the planet would have no one because the devil comes to steal and kill. But when the enemy comes like a flood, the spirit raises standard. The enemy is against you but you are not destroyed.. Such ultimate protection from the Lord shows that God has a definite purpose for your life. And the purpose has to pass. # *Simon kutosi                                    _25th msg_


*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  *Matthew:6.33*   But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. --------------------------------------------  Naturally, you cannot give something to someone if feel there is nothing you gain from them. The Lord wants your heart. He wants you to always think about Him. He wants you to always worship Him from all angles.  Therefore, it is unjust for you to expect Him to work on you before you work on Him. It is unnatural for you to seek the world's comforts before you seek Him. It is unnatural for you to praise your life and other things before praising Him.  And because of such void, He has enacted a law for which all His kids have to follow in order to get what they want from His beautiful worlds.... seeking Him first. So that if He has your heart His rest assured that there will be nothing that will separate you from His love. Seeking Him first is building a positive reputation with Him. Doing things that


I  *SUNDAY SERVICE*  *SERMON*:                         *BUILDING A REPUTATION*.  _INTRO_ : A reputation is what somebody or an organization is known for. The person could be known within a group of people , an organization or a larger geographical area e.g a country. A reputation enables people to attach value to you, or your organization and it also enables God to attach value to you through mutual relationships.  _PROB_ : We sound lukewarm, we don't run defined life and we have not defined who we are to build on that.  _PURP_ : To enable us build on a personality and values that will be appreciated by God and in our community.    >>>Humans have been designed to be different from others and because of their difference, they are meant to cause a difference in whatever area they have been positioned . God expects a difference from you. The difference will come as you build a positive reputation ; so how do we build the reputation. 🎾 *DEFINE YOUR VALUES THAT APPRECIAT


* Hosea:4.6 *   my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. -------------------------------------------- There is but one thing that drives the actions of a man....... It is the knowledge that the person posses. You cannot do what is out of your understanding. Doing the best and doing the worst all originate from the knowledge one has. The business that failed sometime back may not be related to evil spirits but to the lack of knowledge. Your ministry may not be moving as expected not because of the forces but because of lack of knowledge. It is surprising how at times we rush binding demons before considering what could have gone wrong with knowledge.  The scripture promises that the Lord will reject leaders that lack ignore knowledge. He will reject the children in his house who reject knowledge.  We cannot please God if we do


*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  *Ephesians:6.12*   For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. -------------------------------------------- Have you ever thought what the world would look like if there were no demons and any sort of evil spirits. I mean what your life would be like if there were no demons going against you. You wake up to do all you want to do without hinderances and without resistance. The world is what it is .... upside down because of evil spirits. It is because of principalities in the heavenly realms that you face all these difficulties. Your neighbor is against you....not him/ her but the authorities in other realms. To fight your way through this noisy world, you have to fight the principalities against your life. To fight what is killing your business, your marriage, your education, your job you need to fight the spir


* James:4.7 *   Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. -------------------------------------------- There is a definite end that the bible has clearly stated....;the fleeing away of the devil from you just after resistance. The devil uses our weaknesses to over throw us...we all know that. He uses what we already know in our minds to tempt us. He uses the beliefs we cherish in our hearts to mislead us. The devil starts from the point where you are to fail and destroy your destiny. However, two things within scripture show that embracing them as a tool in fighting the enemy will definitely make him loose; total submission to God and resisting the devil. You cannot resist the devil if you don't totally submit to God. And you can't submit to God if you have not decided to resist the devil. You have to accept one of the two in your heart and not both of them.  Resistance starts within your thoughts. If you think there is a sin that the devil


*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  *Psalms:119.105*   Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. -------------------------------------------- When challenges push us against the wall so hard, we tend to forget. When we wonder through an extreme desert, we tend to forget. We forget the way. We forget the light we forget the word. The word of God is a road map to whatever destiny we would desire to reach. It is the way out of the desert you are into now. If you feel lost in all these trouble you face now, the word of God is the right campus. It is a road map which will tell you that where you are now will lead you to where you want to be. It will give you the insight on whatever you are going through. It will show you the root cause of all the trouble you are into now. The word will give you wisdom that will show you what step to take next from where you are. It is to get you from where you are to you next level. If you think the your case has become too much, look a little bit into the w