

BE ROOTED. Matthew:13.21  But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. --------------------------------------------    When there is a chase against all that you own, the devil looks for nothing but your heart. He has nothing to do with your wealth. His survival is not dependant on your wealth. He has nothing to do with your family. His eternity has nothing to do with your family. The devil will have no problem with your prosperity if you climb ladders while dropping the word. One that brings enlightenment. Because within the above scripture, trouble and persecution came just after the word. Because of the word within Job, the devil sought for permission to ruin the wealth of Job. He wanted to touch job's heart by ruining all he had including his family. But because of the roots that Job had, he was not shaken and neither was the word in Him. Whenever you take a step to advance yet still hold the


Psalm:122.9  For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity. --------------------------------------------    When embedded in the sacks of spiritual welfare, they tend to forget the welfare of the body. When embedded in the sacks of bodily welfare, they tend to forget the spiritual welfare. There are people who seek the way of the spirit so much until they forget the body. So much diving into the spirit is good . But they see body as of no use. These people have gone to heights where they feel there is no value to seek bodily resources and all the likes. They say money is not spiritual and so is evil. They don't want to run after it. Prosperity is not of the spirit and so they don't run after it. Wealth is rooted in all sorts of evil, and for them being spiritual,they don't run after it. There could be no need for God to build you a body if the bodily matters were not of value. There could be no reason as to why God could have built y


CONFIDENCE IN THE PROMISE. * Psalm:27.13*   I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. --------------------------------------------   When God decrees a promise, His answer is yes and amen. He may have promised you a successful future to come, it may seem long before that becomes a reality. But be sure that His promises that are meant for your earthly life cannot be postponed to your coming life.  The goodness of God in your life will surely come to pass. Your sickness will not end in sickness, it will not end in suffering; there is divine healing that God has set before you. The reports may seem hopeless and make no sense to you, but yours will not end in death. There is goodness of the Lord ahead of you. You should keep moving with Him till the very end. Your landlord could seem tired of you postponing payment because there seem to be no way out of the financial desert you find yourself into; yours will not end in rent and in systems


SUCCESS THROUGH OBEDIENCE. Deuteronomy:6.24  The LORD commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the LORD our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today. --------------------------------------------   Where there is a system, there are degrees that are enacted to control the system. Where there is a government, there are degrees set up to govern the government. They are set up to sustain the structure and life of the fraternity. The relationship of God and men is a system of governments, authorities and realms. And for that matter, there is obviously rules and commands that govern the system. Commands that govern the relationship between you and God. Every rule has repercussions. This is because rules are set up to control how organisms and matter get to their ends. There are rules in water, oceans and every atoms. Because they are systems governing ends. There is a destiny within every relationship that God has with humans. And these ends are


FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. Galatians:5.22    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, .23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. --------------------------------------------  There is a standard that checks the ultimate presence of the spirit in creatures. The Spirit is a spirit, His standards are of the spirit. You may ask, how could I know that God's spirit thrives in me? The answer is within scriptures.... Darkness thrives in anger, uncontrolled self - where one does all he pleases without discipline and any essence of wisdom; hatred and the like. And like we all know, two spirits control humanity - spirit of light and a spirit of darkness. If you definitely know that you posses traits like the above, know for sure that nothing drives your life other than dark authorities. On the contrary, If you know that non of the above traits have spotted your soul, the Spirit is within you and the fruits are at work.


  SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:                    KNOWING GOD PERSONALLY.   _INTRO_ :  The relationship of GOD and man started way back in the times of Adam even before God created Eve. God related with Adam personally and Adam knew God personally. Knowing something personally is having your own views about that thing even before you consider someone else's view.   _PROB_ :  But the problem we have is that we take God as God of groups, religions... Without considering our own faith and perceptive about Him.   _PURP_ :  To enable us personalize faith.    >>> The fall of Adam didn't start when he was alone. The bible may not indicate for how long God took before getting Adam a helper, but may have taken several decades if not 100s of years before eve came to being. But before that, Adam had no trouble and backslidings from the principles that governed Eden. Eva's coming, ulttered Adams faith. Because of eve, Adam inclined from the original principles that governed the


FREEDOM IN CHRIST   Galatians:5.1  It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. --------------------------------------------  When the devil was cast down to earth, he was imprisoned in darkness. Imprisoned in prisons of hatred, prisons of evil, deception. And as the bible clearly says, he is the ruler of this world; he by all means makes all inhabitants of this world imprisoned in the prisons he is into. But because of love, Christ came to rescue those that believe in Him for salvation.  However, the freedom that was given to those who believe is self controlled freedom. It is upto them to have it or to loose it. The slavery the devil sets is upto humans to enter into.  It is upto you to decide what route you take ; routes of freedom or routes of slavery. Standing firm in the righteousness of God sets you free from the dark traps of the devil. Serving at the high table of God gives you ultimate freed