

EAGERNESS . 2 Chronicles15.15    All Judah rejoiced about the oath because they had sworn it wholeheartedly. They sought God eagerly, and he was found by them. So the LORD gave them rest on every side. --------------------------------------------      There was a story of a man who was about to die. But before death caught up with him, he asked those surrounding him that what way is it to heaven. Many of them couldn't answer that but some did. After the man was told that Christ was the way, he instantly felt emptiness. But just before dieing, he confesses Christ and feels ultimate peace but still if he feels he has missed out alot. There is emptiness we normally feel when we don't do what we are supposed to do with wholeheartedness. You seek God but feel you are not satisfied. You serve but you feel emptiness. The ultimate reason as to why the israelites felt joy as they rejoiced , was their wholeheartedness while they swore the oath . And because they sought God


GOD WATCHES OVER YOU. 2 Chronicles:16.9  For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war." --------------------------------------------     Because you feel suffering, you feel you are abandoned. You feel lost. You feel you have no purpose in this noisy world. You feel you live by gamble...and that there is no hope for a bright future. You are not abandoned. Within scripture it is said that even if pressed , persecuted, struck sure you are not abandoned, or destroyed. The Lord of the highest heavens has His eyes on you. You who is committed to Him. His heart knows you better than one who cares less about Him. He thinks about you. If He thinks about you, His thoughts are clearly indicated within scripture. His plans are to make you prosperous and to give you a future full of goodness. He does not just range His eyes throughout the earth for n


IT IS ALL FOR YOU. 1 Samuel:2.8  ... "For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; upon them he has set the world. .9 He will guard the feet of his saints, but the wicked will be silenced in darkness. "It is not by strength that one prevails; --------------------------------------------     In as much as the bible says the god of this age rules the world....the devil controls the world, it gives him no right to be the creator of resources of this world. He is not the creator of man. He is not the owner of resources. Our God, our heavenly father is the creator of it all.  God has made everything beautiful and available for his children. Though lucifer has assumed control over them, he doesn't determine who gets and who doesn't get if our God doesn't let it be so. The things you look for are all in our God's hands. Beneath the foundation of the earth, is gold and stones of precious value; Don't think it is somebody in world who is destined to have th


GOD'S WAYS. Deuteronomy:32.4  He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. --------------------------------------------     When you believe in someone, you expect them to be doing all that is line with your expectations and beliefs. And because of that, when we believe in God, we at times expect Him to do what we think is in line with our expectations.  You make a prayer and want the answer to come to you in your timing and in your own measure. Man's ways are not God's ways and God's ways are not man's ways. The thoughts of God are not the thoughts of man. The timing of God is not the timing of man. A thousand days in man's world is one day in God's house. And because you have made a prayer, you expect the answer to be in line with your prayers. What God has prepared for you may not be what you are thinking about. God is a wide minded person. He thinks beyond our comprehension. T


IT IS FOR GOD TO REVENGE. Deuteronomy:32.35  It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them." --------------------------------------------    Because of the wrong doing some neighbor has done to me, it is in human nature that am prompted to avenge. Because of this the devil has caught many of us in the spirit of vengeance. Spirit of hatred and willingness to cause harm to our neighbors. This has killed the Christian love. No one you live with will perfectly fit in your expectations.....and will not do anything that is contrary to what you think is right. There is weaknesses in every creature and that is what makes them true creatures. If we were all perfect, then God will not be God. We will be God Himself and nothing less.  Your neighbor is human.....a true human...... He or she has wronged you. No worry. It is God to take care of them. Some neighbors because of hatred, they have ulttered all sor


BE ROOTED. Matthew:13.21  But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. --------------------------------------------    When there is a chase against all that you own, the devil looks for nothing but your heart. He has nothing to do with your wealth. His survival is not dependant on your wealth. He has nothing to do with your family. His eternity has nothing to do with your family. The devil will have no problem with your prosperity if you climb ladders while dropping the word. One that brings enlightenment. Because within the above scripture, trouble and persecution came just after the word. Because of the word within Job, the devil sought for permission to ruin the wealth of Job. He wanted to touch job's heart by ruining all he had including his family. But because of the roots that Job had, he was not shaken and neither was the word in Him. Whenever you take a step to advance yet still hold the


Psalm:122.9  For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity. --------------------------------------------    When embedded in the sacks of spiritual welfare, they tend to forget the welfare of the body. When embedded in the sacks of bodily welfare, they tend to forget the spiritual welfare. There are people who seek the way of the spirit so much until they forget the body. So much diving into the spirit is good . But they see body as of no use. These people have gone to heights where they feel there is no value to seek bodily resources and all the likes. They say money is not spiritual and so is evil. They don't want to run after it. Prosperity is not of the spirit and so they don't run after it. Wealth is rooted in all sorts of evil, and for them being spiritual,they don't run after it. There could be no need for God to build you a body if the bodily matters were not of value. There could be no reason as to why God could have built y