

MANAGER Genesis 2:4  _When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens— 5 and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to work the ground_ -------------------------------------------- The Lord made the earth. Yet there was no shrub that had grown; there was no plant and vegetation that had sprung... because there no man to take care and there was no rain for it. We see how God withholds growth just because there was no suitable person to take care of the growth. This clearly indicates that God let's growth be in place when there is a manager. God lets rains fall when there is a manager. God lets the economy grow when there is a manager. On thing that God surely knows is that growth will come to your life if there is a manger. If you can become a good manager, then growth will come. We have, at many times lost many things just because we lack good management.


MAKE A PETITION Matthew 7:7  “ Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. -------------------------------------------- Because of the thoughts that some otherworldly being is behind your downfall, many of us tend to complain than to do what would help . Many times, we have wasted lots of times in complains and heaping of blames.  On the side of blames, we blame our parents for the poverty we have encountered...; We blame our friends for the wrong direction that they told you to take; you blame your partner for not doing the best in what you had undertaken. You even reach a point of blaming God for not doing enough to solve all these. There is just but one way to encroach on heavenly doors; it is making a petition.  It has been rightly assured to us in the above scripture that whoever asks , receives; and that whoever knocks, rece


EXAMINATION . Psalms 26:2   Test me, O Lord, and try me,examine my heart and my mind -------------------------------------------- When we were in class and there was a test that we are doing, we normally kept quiet. Simply because it was a rule for us to stay silent while the examination was going on. And the teacher would also keep quiet as he or she moves around the classroom. The teacher would of course not talk to a student or ask them how they have been, whether or not they understand the questions; no , it would be silent for all of us In the same, when you think you have called onto God in difficult times and you think there is no answer to your call, know that it is time for examination. The silence of God means that He is testing you and he only needs answers from you. Yet however much God needs answers from us, we normally want to hear answers from Him. Have you, by any means rised a hand during examination in your school in a class and you requested the teacher f


OUR SALVATION . Isaiah 12:2   Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation .” --------------------------------------------  It is not for nothing that there is weakness found within you. There is a downfall, there is an imperfection. Where we are weak, God is strong. God wouldn't have been God to us if we were strong throughout and that there is no weakness found within us.  The above clearly means that when you feel you are down, it is the point at which God has to work. The wisest of man's wisdom is the foolishness of God. Where man's greatest intelligence ends is where God's foolishness begins. It means when you work your way out and feel you have reached the climax and yet there is still gap, it is the start of God. Many times, we try to step in the space that God is supposed to take. We try to wear the shoes that God is supposed to wear. We try to solve challenges t


  PERSECUTION . Romans 8:36. As it is written: “ For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” --------------------------------------------  Daily , Jesus carried a cross. He was looked for by the evil gangs. Yet he watched daily. Being Christlike , doesn't just mean doing the good that Christ did and thereby have luxuries daily. Being Christlike means wearing the type of shoes that Christ used to wear. The shoes of persecution. Many Christians think that when we confess Christ as our Lord and savior, that is ends of trouble. Trouble in itself is not an end. Trials and persecution are a means to an end. We don't suffer in this world and that that is our destiny. We suffer in this world to achieve the glories to come.  It is therefore a Christian rule that there should be persecution every day. And such persecution is for the sake of Christ. When the above verse says that it is for the sake of Christ, it means that just bec


THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL Romans 1:16  I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. --------------------------------------------  One of the powerful tools that God has given us is the power in His word. Many people say that they don't want to hear anything to do with the gospel. It is not their making, the devil clearly knows that faith comes by hearing. And he knows that they will be saved from his traps if they listen. When you give someone time to listen to the gospel, there will be a time when the spirit in them yields salvation unto them. It is not in your power to save yourself; it is not in your power to save a soul. It is the power of God through the gospel. It is therefore a role that you should play; to listen to the gospel. Salvation is like a seed that needs watering for it to grow and do the work. For salvation to become salvation, there should be a wateri


JEHOVAH'S COLONY Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” --------------------------------------------  Whenever we choose corridors of anxiety, we poke our nose into a domain that is controlled by a different power. Anxiety makes you seem as though you were the one in control; you alone and no one else. Anxieties limit God's power to execute what it is meant to execute. When you don't believe that the Spirit is able and will do this, God's arm seems short in your own world. We at times want to step in the shoes of God and never let Him to breath His way. The Israelites cried out to the Lord when they saw the Egyptians coming. They thought that it was them in control. And that whatever their power was, they were finished that day; because they were of no match to the Egyptians'. Nevertheless, Moses knew it was not him who was driving the flo