

BEHIND THE SCENES John 5:17   Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” -------------------------------------------- Somehow we are have inclined to think that God stopped working the time he finished creation. We think that He does nothing but to view all that He created. There are battles that go on in the spiritual realm. We are at times think that the devil fought with Micheal at once in heaven and that that was the end of heavenly wars. The mere fact that Daniel's Angel was captivated by demons and rescued at a later time, is the fact the heavenly wars still go on. The devil never stopped accusing. He didn't stop at it in heaven before he was thrown to earth. He accused Job. He still accuses many of us. Perhaps he accused you in heaven yesterday but one. Anyway, all this goes on yet we on earth sleep , wake up and go around doing our daily jobs. We pray in the morning seriously and in the evening seriously. ...


  ALPHA AND OMEGA Revelation 21:6   He said to me: “It is done. I am the alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life . -------------------------------------------- There are many times, we assume the responsibility of ends. We need it all and think by "we", that shall come to its accomplishment. There are even at times where many people want to assume the shoes of God. They take 100 percent responsibility of what they think their destiny deserves. There is a fact to learn today. The mere fact that you never knew yourself before you were formed in your mother's womb is the fact that there is less you know about yourself. There is someone who knew you well before you were formed in your mother's womb. He knew when you were there. He also knew you after.  Have you ever asked yourself a question as what content that person knew even before you were formed in your m...


HEIGHTS OF ABUNDANCE Genesis 41:49   Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure. -------------------------------------------- There was a moment Joseph was suffering in the hands of those who hated him. At times , they would deny him food just because of the hatred that they had against him. He was thrown away and tossed like nothing. But in all these, he hoped in the Lord.  He was taken up to Egypt and suffered his turn. The turn was done. The patience was now to pay off. Joseph was given responsibility of taking care the king's house. He was promoted to heights of a minister in a foreign land. Because of his skills; that had been accumulated through his troublesome experience, he was entrusted the responsibility of collecting food in preparation for the coming 7 years of famine. His cumulative skills enabled him to collect enough of grain and money throughout th...


DON'T BE SHY! Isaiah 1:18   Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool . -------------------------------------------- Did you realize, that whenever you go astray before the Lord, you tend to shrink away from His presence.  When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they were filled with guilt. God came to fellowship with them as usual in the cool of the evenings. When He called upon them, they were afraid to reply.  There is fear that grips a soul when there is sin found within. Yet at the end, it is not God who sends you away from His presence unforgivably; but the spirit of sin. It is the thing that is in you that makes you shy. We have found good hope within scripture! The Lord calls us to come to Him. Though our sins are stinky, He will wash. The Lord is ready to renew our relationship with Him. The best part you play when you fall...


ONE LOAD Proverbs 16:4   The Lord works out everything for his own ends -------------------------------------------- Because of life that seems so much divided, we are inclined to think that there are different routes that serve different purpose. Of course, that would be the obvious thought for a human being. And also it may seem so. When the devil approached God on account of Mr Job, wouldn't someone here think God should have chased him from afar? Obviously. We feel God should have nothing to do with the devil.  But in as much as God let the devil carry on his mission, there is one load. The soul of Job was tried by God and yet tempted by the devil; yet in the end it was to be stronger for God. Job faced the happiness of wealth and family, yet he also faced the sorrow of sickness and deaths of loved ones. We would definitely rule out that there was a different route that Job had taken when he was stricken with sickness. Even his people thought that he had sinned...


PERENNIAL CHAMPION 1 Corinthians 1:7  Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. 8 He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. -------------------------------------------- There is a great battle that is going on between the world of light and the dark world. There is a lot of work that is going on in the satanic empire. Satan works day and night. I mean he is not human being that will sleep off. He is not built up with systems that slumber. He keeps watch over his work day and night. He thinks all around - day and night. And to make matters worse, someone who has existed before the earth was formed and the sun was built; he posses enormous knowledge and greater understanding. It is obvious that Lucifer is more knowledgeable and more cunning than you do. He uses his vast plane of experience to go against the will of God. You cannot single handedly c...


ALL IS POSSIBLE . Matthew 19:26   Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” -------------------------------------------- There are things, as human beings that we put limit to. There are parameters that we have set to define a definite real end. Though there are some parameters that in nature, we have still gone on to make them definite and no other way. For example in nature, we know that the deaf will not hear sound waves and that they will definitely not hear that by any means. We know that the blind will not see anything that is physical, and we definitely rule out that. Yet , there is a super power that is beyond natural rules and makings of human civilization. There is a person that is not subject to such laws . There is a realm that is not driven by human natural laws. And that when we speak of deaf not being able to hear, it is not understood by beings from a higher dimension of living. The law in our wor...