

ENTWINED SPIRITUALITIES 1 Corinthians 14:14  For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. 15 So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind. -------------------------------------------- We go through life and alot of life goes through us. There are lots of things that we encounter and alot encounters us. We do alot. We think alot. We feel alot. It is not easy to forget all these thoughts and see what we are supposed to see. It is easy to praise the Lord yet your mind is far from the moment. There is one thing that God desires us to have . It is the oneness that comes with us when we present our bodies as living sacrifices. You cannot simply present the body as living sacrifice and you move away. Even when this sounds unreal, it is what most of us do. We are present yet absent.  The hymns flow through your spirit and you praise aloud. The banger of the


LITTLE VOICE OF HEAVEN Matthew 19:14  Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -------------------------------------------- Even when he doesn't know, he will always say thank you. He is trained. He followed the voice that was instilled in him the night before today. In the course of fear, he runs to his mother to take refuge ..."mama darkness is over there...I saw something strange." Oh..the innocence in his eyes.  And of course, he never leaves out saying to mama..."I need food...I need something to play with." His trust is in her. Little voice, you know who your hero is. You never let a moment pass by without saying to them how you feel. It is trust you have earned.  The disciples of Christ thought that children were an inconvenience in the eyes of God. They thought they needed to listen better to the teachings from the teacher...and needed no childish play around


IDENTIFIED   Romans 1:16  I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. -------------------------------------------- Because of the seemingly evolving generation, Many of us have changed to adopt the ever changing world. But such changes bring with them a cost. Many have sought to have some forms of conduct and never wanting to be identified with some other forms of conduct. The ways of dressing in some places have been defined by the general society living there, some people have forcefully molded into such paths just to fit with the evolution. But there is something that is identified. The stamp of the holy Spirit within a Christian is also seen on the outside of them. The gospel that sounds within the soul is also meant to be noticed outside. You know, when we speak, we don't only speak by word of mouth, we also speak by gesture and signs. Even evangelism and the spr


DEATH IN THE ROW  Job 14:1  “Man born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. He springs up like a flower and withers away; like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure . -------------------------------------------- When we become dreamy, ...we forget the destination that is found every where. There is a wind that is set . It blows on every person. A button push activates it's poison on you. Before you know it, you are gone to a land a far away, to the land of spirits and shadows... awaiting for judgement. The wind knows not anyone. It only listens to the commands of it's master. Death hovers ... looking for whom to ascend. It is not on the mountain alone, neither does it just reside in the streets, it is everywhere. When one's calender is done , the mouths of darkness are spirit a soul to where the creator knows. A generation that was before us never knew us, but we are known in history because of death. Death cleaned out the past generation to g


WHISPER IN THE SPIRIT   Galatians 5:17  For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. -------------------------------------------- It is easy to do what your conscience tells you to do. It is easy to do what is known in the environment. If our bodies were left alone to do all that they think according to anyone's will, it will be an easy going life... without restrictions. That is what they call the wide road. But because there are restrictions that have been enacted for those that are believers to follow, that has become thin and impenetrable. It is called the narrow road. The nature that we are - is a built on some frequencies of violence and recklessness. It can become a nuances if not weeded and nurtured. And this is where we get help from. The Lord sends the helper. He sends the holy Spirit.  But this is also tricky. In ou


TRADE THE YOKE   Matthew 11:30  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” -------------------------------------------- This is the hour. You have moved a long journey. You have tried to make the thing happen by your own. But you forgot the formula. You forgot the simple thing. When the captain sails out to the sea and remembers he forgot the steer at the beach, does he continue to sail? No.! But how would he have sailed without the steer. He only took the light ones thinking he would use the other bigger ones at the deeper sea.. only to forget them at the beach. He will obviously turn back to get the strongest.  There is a point of life where you moved and have to stop to trade the yoke.  Many of us try so hard to push by ourselves and forget about the strongest steer. We forget the simple formula. If 1 + 1 =2, however much you tried to bring the stron


TRIBE OF LENDERS   Proverbs 19:17  He who is kind and generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done. -------------------------------------------- It is easy to go through life with the mind of "it's not's not enough". By nature, we were created to recognize the fact that it's we first then .... We were created to survive and always know that there is not enough. Our genes have been made to think about ourselves alone and how we survive in the world of scarcity. This fact that thrives within us is not supposed to be proved true. There are several results that God has set for those that prove such rules wrong. You know, when you try to go against human nature and try to mimic the nature of God, you attract more of what God has set for the cause. As the human nature is self centered and self seeking, stepping out of such to pursue kindness and open hands attracts God's attracts the rewa