

SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:                           WILL POWER.   INTRO : The many things that have so far happened in our world have happened because of the power in willingness. From the time of creation till now, many things have been accomplished from hearts that are willing. Even God in his creation was first willing to take on the project of creation then he was able to. We cannot accomplish might things without having willingness within.   PROB : We move journeys that are not backed up by a willing spirit      PURP : To enable us understand the power of a willing spirit .    >>> However much Moses was fearful about the mission that God was giving him, he was having a willing heart. He feared that his abilities may not put him in position to accomplish that that God is sending him to accomplish. At times, even when God is sending us according to knowledge he knows about our abilities, we tend to show that we know our weaknesses better than God knows. Moses ar


  ROOT OF THE BLESSED. Matthew 5:10   Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness ,  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. -------------------------------------------- Did you know that there is no end that stands alone and there is no pain without an end? I mean is there success without pain and is there pain without success? Anyway we shall have a better answer from the scripture of today. The above quote says that blessed are those who are persecuted....why... because theirs is the kingdom. Maybe we can also say that the kingdom of God is for those who are persecuted. The meaning pretty remains the same. Or maybe we say blessings are for those who are persecuted. Anyway too much of the versions. Okay a last one. Persecuted are those who will be blessed. Anyway, at the end of the day, the persecution is for righteousness.  As a Christian, persecution is not a norm nor should it be a surprise. Whenever you stand up for the right thing, there will be opposi


DIVINE ORACLE 1 Samuel 10:6 The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person . -------------------------------------------- Did you know that the Lord said; in the last days, he will pour out his spirit unto all people. That they will prophesy, they will dream dreams, they will see the future. Prophesy is one of the pillars of Christianity. It is through prophesy that we are able to tell the future and act accordingly. But what if I told you that you are part of this pool of oracles?...those that can dream the future, those that can prophesy, those that have the power to know the mind of the spirit. When the Spirit pours out, there is power to know the mind of God. You are a divine oracle. The spirit of God has come upon you in power. You have been changed into a different person. You are no longer the Samuel, the Isaac, the Joseph, the Ephraim, are different. One of the greates


FIRST THING FIRST. Matthew 6:33   But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well -------------------------------------------- There has been endless functions of success that have been provided in our modern world. Such functions involve one to work all day long and gain cumulative experiences all throughout. It has all made people chase after all that they desire and forget the source of their life. People work from Monday to Monday and night to day. All they think is "how do I get to where I need to be".  The unfortunate part of all this is that they forget the first thing. Forgetting the dues of the kingdom of heaven is like forgetting that your body contains a soul that needs to be sustained. There is a power that drives your life as a Christian. You cannot achieve success without the approval from the high realms... without the approval of God. God needs to stamp onto your passport to prosperity. If the fa


FOLLOW THE RULE AND TRIUMPH. Deuteronomy 28:13   The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. -------------------------------------------- God cherishes he that loves and walks by his doctrines.  If you were a parent and your children never obey all that you tell them to do, what impression would you have about them? Obviously you will not like them. And if there are some among your children who faithfully walk by the rules that you put forth, you will love them better than the others. We would not be a beauty in creation if we were not governed by rules. The mere fact that gravity pulls objects to the earth and it's a natural rule, is the fact that those that dominate the earth are under rules. There is a thin difference between such natural rules and human based rules. Human rules were given to a mind that


  IMMEASURABLE ENDS 1 Corinthians 2:9   No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” -------------------------------------------- Have you ever imagined many things and tried to go to the limit of that imagination? Have you ever thought about the limit above which human imagination can't go? I mean human civilization has thought about various things from the time the world started. They thought of making fire...and they succeeded. They thought of making weapons ...they succeeded. They have been thinking from the time they were created. And every proceeding generation thinks better than the former one. The children think and grow to be better than the parents. It has been an evolution of minds and thoughts. What do you think humanity has not thought about? Probably you may say nothing. Yet within scripture we see there are many things. There is a mind that is outside our minds. It is the mind that holds all the un


SOURCE OF OUR LIFE. Romans 15:13   May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. -------------------------------------------- The Bible says that the tree planted by the river side does not wither. They produce fruits in all seasons. They are ever green. Such trees have a source of their life.  As children of the most high, we were never left alone. Christ said that He will not leave us as orphans in this world. He said that He has gone to our father and He will send us a helper. Yes He did send us a helper. The holy Spirit moves within us to circulate blood of life. He moves to provide life. Our source of life is not on this Earth. Our source and of life is not in the humans. Our source is in God.  There are many times where we tend to complain and tend to cry. We tend to grumble and forget who we are . We forget where our life comes from. The spirit that is in us is of new birth