

ARMED SIDE BY SIDE   Nehemiah 4:17  who were building the wall. Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, 18 and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked. -------------------------------------------- The Israelites were on the verge of losing out if they lost their weapons. They were also on the verge of being attacked anonymously if they didn't have a wall. They were in-between building a wall and fighting off perpetual enemies. Their "recipe" for the indignant challenge was to be armed side by side. Work in the one hand and be armed in the other. We have been set in a generation where all sides are wanting. And for many who have not been careful, have been taken up by wrong "recipes". Many have concentrated on building the walls while they leave gap for enemies to attack... spiritual enemies for this matter. So sad to gain this whole world and lose your soul.  There is a big group


BEGINNING IN THE END OF THE MATTER   Isaiah 42:9   see, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” -------------------------------------------- A well constructed road will look beautiful. It will give no stress to the drivers. It will look to be long lasting. But what if government wanted to change the materials used in the road construction to something better. She would obviously destroy the former one. The once beautiful road would be made worthless to move on before the new one it put in place. The driver will feel uncomfort for the mean time. And yet it is a beginning in the end of the matter. There are many times, God has torn might heroes in order to begin something new and good. You cannot expect God to do new things without demolishing the former thing. You cannot expect God to create in you a new good spirit without demolishing the former old bad spirit. He has to end the matter before the


HEAVENLY ACHIVES Revelation 21:15,27  If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire....The City...Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. -------------------------------------------- In the setting of the human challenge on the earth, many angelic employees have been assigned to write down proceedings from the earthlings. It is like a meeting of board members and staff where different secretaries have been assigned to take serious notes. These secretaries take notes from the emotions exhibited by all participants during different conversations in the meeting. Even body posture is recorded at different times from every participants to replicate body language in writing. Every single details is recorded. Actually when it also come to times of food, the response of participants is taken in notes. Have you heard about a


WHAT TO SEE   Psalms 121:2  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. -------------------------------------------- Because of seemingly dark and blurred futures, many of us tend to divert Vision mad have a different sight. Peter walking on water at the first time round was because his sight was onto Jesus. His eyes were all fixed onto Jesus. But when he continued, he was prompted by many of the features around his environment till he lost the original sight. And because he lost the original sight, he lost the faith. And because he lost the faith, he lost the miracle. There are many times we have lost the miracle just because we lose the original sight. There are a bunch of times we lose from hearing on God's voice just because we lose the original sight. We have lost on the abundance of the spirit and inner riches because we lose the original sight. You know if there is little problem that you encounter, many people will come up with many various say


MORNING GLORY.   ISAIAH 33:2  O Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress. -------------------------------------------- There is a batch of gifts that God sends out every morning unto His children. Every morning you wake up, there is a prepared table for you to dine. Every morning you wake up, there is a field prepared for you to sow the seeds you sow love, happiness, joy. Prepare your tools to plaugh through the gardens that Jehovah prepares every morning. Be ready to face it. Be ready to face the clutter that has been scattered through the day. The time to be ready is in the morning.  In the ancient African times, it was against man's odds for him to wake up early In the morning and meet a woman. Of course that was their belief; that such a man will meet misfortune throughout the day. Just because their first person to meet in the morning was a woman. And that if you met certain creatures at


KINGDOM SURPRISE   John 5:5  Now there is in Jerusalem... a pool,.. called Bethesda... 3 Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—.... 5 One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him... and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” -------------------------------------------- The man at the pool had made it his daily business to get near the waters and wait for the usual to happen. He waited for the angel who occasionally came to stir the waters to come and do so at his favor. He Did that but was all in vain. Not until one day, Christ pays a visit...not to all those that were at the pool but just to this man who had been ill for 38 year. It was a surprise day to him. It was a kingdom surprise. When we look into our lives, many of us have sat down with illnesses ,we have sat down with hopelessness, we have recurring failures. We have series of disappointments, relation


CLING ONTO THE VINE   John 15:1 Remain in me, and I will _remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. -------------------------------------------- However much God our creator is our father, there is a gap that He left for us to fill. There is an open software that He gave us to write instructions. It is through such initiatives that we are able to bear better fruits. Christ was given unto us as our mediator. He doesn't only intercede for us but also acts as a middle man of spiritual resources. It is when we abide in Him and Him in us that we receive such great gifts from our father. It is our role to remain in Him. There are many people who have stayed in a relationship between them and God for a long period of time but don't bear the desirable fruits. There are those that have walked in a certain denomination as Christians but have failed to bear desirable fruits. They have fail