

SUCCESS THROUGH OBEDIENCE. Deuteronomy:6.24  The LORD commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the LORD our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today. --------------------------------------------   Where there is a system, there are degrees that are enacted to control the system. Where there is a government, there are degrees set up to govern the government. They are set up to sustain the structure and life of the fraternity. The relationship of God and men is a system of governments, authorities and realms. And for that matter, there is obviously rules and commands that govern the system. Commands that govern the relationship between you and God. Every rule has repercussions. This is because rules are set up to control how organisms and matter get to their ends. There are rules in water, oceans and every atoms. Because they are systems governing ends. There is a destiny within every relationship that God has with humans. And these...


FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. Galatians:5.22    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, .23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. --------------------------------------------  There is a standard that checks the ultimate presence of the spirit in creatures. The Spirit is a spirit, His standards are of the spirit. You may ask, how could I know that God's spirit thrives in me? The answer is within scriptures.... Darkness thrives in anger, uncontrolled self - where one does all he pleases without discipline and any essence of wisdom; hatred and the like. And like we all know, two spirits control humanity - spirit of light and a spirit of darkness. If you definitely know that you posses traits like the above, know for sure that nothing drives your life other than dark authorities. On the contrary, If you know that non of the above traits have spotted your soul, the Spirit is within you and the fruits are...


  SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:                    KNOWING GOD PERSONALLY.   _INTRO_ :  The relationship of GOD and man started way back in the times of Adam even before God created Eve. God related with Adam personally and Adam knew God personally. Knowing something personally is having your own views about that thing even before you consider someone else's view.   _PROB_ :  But the problem we have is that we take God as God of groups, religions... Without considering our own faith and perceptive about Him.   _PURP_ :  To enable us personalize faith.    >>> The fall of Adam didn't start when he was alone. The bible may not indicate for how long God took before getting Adam a helper, but may have taken several decades if not 100s of years before eve came to being. But before that, Adam had no trouble and backslidings from the principles that governed Eden. Eva's coming, ul...


FREEDOM IN CHRIST   Galatians:5.1  It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. --------------------------------------------  When the devil was cast down to earth, he was imprisoned in darkness. Imprisoned in prisons of hatred, prisons of evil, deception. And as the bible clearly says, he is the ruler of this world; he by all means makes all inhabitants of this world imprisoned in the prisons he is into. But because of love, Christ came to rescue those that believe in Him for salvation.  However, the freedom that was given to those who believe is self controlled freedom. It is upto them to have it or to loose it. The slavery the devil sets is upto humans to enter into.  It is upto you to decide what route you take ; routes of freedom or routes of slavery. Standing firm in the righteousness of God sets you free from the dark traps of the devil. Serving at the high table of God ...


SALVATION THROUGH LOVE.   Galatians:5.6  For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. --------------------------------------------  Because God loved the world, He sent his only precious son.... Jesus. And that whoever believes in Him will have salvation. Salvation came from the original love that God had. God first had love and salvation came next. The relationship we have with Christ came out of love. It means your faith in Christ is strenthened by nothing better than love.  And you may be knowing the greatest commandment. It is to love your God with all your heart. And to love your neighbor as you love yourself. The way you wish good for yourself is the same way you should wish good for your neighbor.  The things that occupy most of our lives are a chase for for this matter.( At least every resource is defined by money) Resources/money occupy ...


  SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:                FAITH THROUGH LOVE.  _INTRO_ :   Faith is Hope for things that are unseen. It is a belief for goodness. Love is affection that is attached to a personality. Love came through God, He first loved us then we love . Love reflects the true personality of God and his intention towards humanity.  _PROB_ : The problem we have that because of self-centeredness, we have lost true love towards our Brothers and sisters in Christ have lost faith . _PURP_ : The purpose of this lesson is to enable us generate hopes and true believes that are affirmed  through true true love.     >>>    In as much as  love comes from God, we cannot be in completeness with God Without Love. Love is expressed between you ,your neighbor and God . *John 3:16  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish bu...


CHRIST OUR INTERCESSOR .   Hebrews:7.24  but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. .25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. --------------------------------------------  One precious privilege that those Christ calls His brothers and sisters is that He himself stands before God - our father to intercede.  As He is a first hand intercesor before God, He is able to save those He intercedes for. He is able to call upon the name of His father - our God to come to our rescue. But with one condition,for those who run to God through Him . Running to God through Him is what is very crucial here. Running to him through prayers. When we pray, Christ in heaven prays for us the more. When we intercede, Christ in heaven intercedes for us the more.  In as much as God needs a relationship from you, He needs you to run to Him. It has also been well programmed that Christ t...