

CHRIST OUR INTERCESSOR .   Hebrews:7.24  but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. .25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. --------------------------------------------  One precious privilege that those Christ calls His brothers and sisters is that He himself stands before God - our father to intercede.  As He is a first hand intercesor before God, He is able to save those He intercedes for. He is able to call upon the name of His father - our God to come to our rescue. But with one condition,for those who run to God through Him . Running to God through Him is what is very crucial here. Running to him through prayers. When we pray, Christ in heaven prays for us the more. When we intercede, Christ in heaven intercedes for us the more.  In as much as God needs a relationship from you, He needs you to run to Him. It has also been well programmed that Christ the great intercesor will


EARNEST PRAYERS. Luke:22.4  An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him .44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. ----------------------------------------------------------  When the spirit is in deep anguish, it is sincerely desperate. It is at that point that the spirit does what it thinks would help the person out of the trouble, doing that with earnest. The intensity of your challenge shows how much you should pray. Not just praying once or twice, but praying as much as you can. You may think you have been pressed to the wall so hard and that there is no justified reason for that; you being pressed to the wall shows how much God needs you to come closer to him.   Many times, because of our recurring challenges, we forget where the best of solution lies and covert ourselves to the complainers religion. We forget where God has brought us from and instead grumble. We forget to make the earnest prayers


                   GOD'S LOVE. Psalm:145.13  ... The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. -------------------------------------------------------  There are several purposes as you why God made whatever He made and exists now. Whatever the purpose, He has a signature of love on everything He has created. His love for His creation indicates that He cares about them. And if He cares about them, He gives them attention and hears from them; to see what their need could be.  And because of such love, He can never make empty promises to such loved creatures. When He makes His promises, He fights His way through realities to make His promises tangible to them He had decreed.  Because of love, God plans all time to make His creation better. He plans to make you better. God loves you. Never sit back and think the bible - I mean his word contains nothing but empty promises that are beefed with rumours. His promises are Yes. His word is like rain


Micah:7.5  Do not trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend. Even with her who lies in your embrace be careful of your words. --------------------------------------------  Because of love, we tend to pour out our whole self to friends and the people we love. Trusting them with every kind of words we have perceived or heard. We have trusted them to the extent that we tell them our deep secrets; telling them words that will turn into trouble in the future. In as much as we are different from others, we cannot share the same mind with others. Our motives are different and their motives are also different. The way you understand is not the way they may be understanding your point. You may trust them with words and works, but they may turn your deeds into grounds for your ruin. Your words to them will be full evidence of you weaknesses as they share them somewhere behind your back. We have encountered a number of disappointments because of the degree of trust we have give


CONTINUE WORKING. 2 Chronicles:15.6    One nation was being crushed by another and one city by another, because God was troubling them with every kind of distress. .7 But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." --------------------------------------------  Wars may sound endless. Trouble after trouble. Tears that never end. Accidents occuring simultaneously. The world may seem to you as though it is ending. As challenges come one after the other, we may feel discouraged and would want to give up. Wanting to give up on what we started in ministry and wanting to give up on whatever we run after in our lives. Giving up will not be solution to the challenges that God has let happen. We may be in a crisis; and God's wrath is upon some communities that are against Him. The crisis may not indicate that God is against you personally. However much the crisis happens, you should be strong and continue to work. Your reward will not be determined by how


THE LOVE WE NEED. Matthew:22.36  "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" .37 Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' .38 This is the first and greatest commandment. .39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' .40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." --------------------------------------------  There are laws that are besides the ten commandments. Even the laws of life. The laws that govern your life, your career, your marriage, your relationships.  It is clear that such laws are nothing without love. Love for God and love for your neighbor. Everything that we run after is attached to God and is attached to your neighbor. You cannot want a promotion without the need for your neighbor and without the need for God. You cannot seek prosperity without the need for humans and need for God. Humans are everywhere and God is ever


2 Corinthians:1.20  For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. --------------------------------------------  When a promise is made, It is made in times and within systems. This means that such promise cannot work outside those times and outside those systems. Probably God cannot promise you a house ,which promise He will fullfil in heaven. Or say that He will give you a car...and He means so after you have departed from the realm where cars are found. Within the above scripture, the promises of God are said to be yes. Meaning definite with purpose. But it continues and says that " in christ". This literally means not outside Christ will such a yes and amen work. So as the promise is steady, there are conditions. The Israelites were promised a land of milk and honey, but God attached conditions to the promise. God in His word has promised us a good future but st