

      SOMEONE IS FIGHTING THE BATTLES FOR YOU .    _Romans 8: 31_  What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? ----------------- ---------------------------        If there is one privilege to be proud of as a child of the most high, it is the fact that God fights for those He calls His. He is always there for you. The time Christ went to heaven was the time He started to mediate for you. He is always fighting the battles that you know and the battles that you don't know. He is your spokesperson in the presence of the almighty God.  He has with Him mighty and strong angels that all plan and fight on your behalf. The Bible says that the devil goes round the earth to seek for whom to destroy. And that his work is to steal, kill and to destroy. He is at work day and night. Have you ever wondered how you have lived on till this time without being destroyed...since the devil is at work day and n...


    TRANSFORM YOUR SELF .   _Romans 12:3_  Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. --------------------------------------------       When God created man, He didn't make him perfect. There is imperfection that He left within flesh. It is something to test your loyalty to your maker.  The devil has come out in all sorts of array to stimulate the imperfection that was left thriving in man. He started with Adam and Eve; to draw out the imperfection of disobedience through genes of curiosity. And he has followed up diligently to the generations that preceded. The devil has, in his broad band of intelligence, set up all forms of desire that is sin to God....our maker. In all sorts of fashion....he has made it. When the word of God within scripture says that don't conform, it mean...


    YOU WERE KNOWN BEFORE.   _Jeremiah 1:5_  Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” . --------------------------------------------       God as sovereign as He a mighty" imaginator" . He can fathom all that is held in the future. He can perfectly draw out all that you will become. Many times, because of unending trouble, we incline to think that what we face is not known anywhere by God. We start to ask questions as to why we face what we face. We even ask God as to why we face what we face.  Before you were formed in the womb.....God knew you. It is important to note that the phrase here is were formed. It supernaturally means that even before you were thought of as a child in the womb, God knew you as a mature person. The world had never seen you but God had seen the whole of you. He had known what kind of spirit you will be, what kind...


  BELIEF IN BLESSING   _Deuteronomy 28:6_ You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. --------------------------------------------       There is more than imaginable that God has prepared for those He call His. There is a basket of unshakable blessings that God has in store. The blessing of the Lord would just flow on anyone if they were meant for anyone. But because not everyone receives them at the same time, there is a measure that is used to pour out the blessing. There is something that you ought to do to receive them. You need to believe that what you do for the sake of the name of the Lord is rewarding you blessing. The point here is believing that the blessing is already here.  God , many of the times demanded people to show their faith in Him where they needed His hand of help. Whenever Jesus wanted to heal the sick, He demanded faith and believe that He is able to accomplish all that that they asked for . It is belief t...


  THE FERTILE HEART.   _Luke 8:15_ But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. --------------------------------------------       The resources of the spirit go out. They have been spread to the ends of the earth. Almost everywhere and everyone has them. The word is preached. Ministries are established. The seeds have been sown.  It is not how much that is available that will save you from danger. There is something that you need to do to yourself to make the best out of all the abundance of the spiritual resources. One of the best things that one needs to consume the resources of the Spirit to the fullest is the heart that is fertile. You need to have the fertile heart; a heart on which - if the seeds of the spirit are sown, they will grow fast and bear fruits fast. The fruit will not have defect or disease. They will be fruits that anyone can enjoy eating. Fruits...


  ABILITY BEYOND COMPREHENSION.      _Philippians 4:13_  I can do everything through him who gives me strength. --------------------------------------------       Even to the beam of humanity, scientist can never find out all that God has endowed in a human being. May be they can try up to 70% or maybe 85% perhaps 90%...but not 100%. There is alot that is in you that God has put there for you to explore.  You were created as wise and as intelligent; above all creatures on earth. Whatever challenge you face is not supposed to rule you, you are supposed to rule.   The verse within scripture says that " I can do everything....."; It strongly means that nothing is left out on what can be done. Everything means all things. Whatever you can dream can do. Whatever you see others doing, you can do. Whatever you heard that people did in the past times, you can do. There is no limit to what you can do in all the possibilities Go...


  POWER IN THE WORD.   _Hebrew 4:12_       For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. --------------------------------------------       In the beginning God used His powerful word to create all that we see. His word made the mountains and dried the water to form dry land. His word created all the living creatures that we see . It created all the green land. However, it is the same power in the words that destroyed the disobedient. It was sent to open ground to swallow the disoriented...those that didn't follow the word according to Creeds. The word of God has enormous power. It has power beyond our imagination. Imagining how words are spoken and things appear and form into creatures is beyond human knowledge. You like it or not it is beyond human understanding. However, The children of God ...