
Showing posts from September, 2023


NOW TENSE OF PRAISE Jeremiah 13:16  Give glory to the Lord your God before he brings the darkness, before your feet stumble on the darkening hills. You hope for light, but he will turn it to thick darkness and change it to deep gloom. -------------------------------------------- In the book of revelation, it is said that Lucifer was released from heaven to the earth. He was arrested in a dark place but will be released. He will be released for a while and later be thrown into everlasting fire.  The book clarifies how all things have been planned to happen within known times ; times known by the creator and thereafter Christ will come.  It shows how there is grace before a great darkness appears. In our reading of today, we are told to glorify the Lord before such evil darkness comes. It employs us to use the best of the opportunity we have now before time is too late on our side. It calls for the "now tense" of praise. You don't have to say that "I will p...


*WITHIN SCRIPTURE.*  SHOUT HALLELUJAH   Revelation 19:1  After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: “hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, 2 for true and just are his judgments. -------------------------------------------- The Angels in heaven nevers stop the saying. They say it time to time. They say hallelujah hallelujah. Hallelujah as a Hebrew word means praise the Lord. Our God is the commander of peace. He is love himself. He is unity. Our God is Victory. His name is Prince of Peace. He is wisdom. He is medicine. There are countless names that have been attached to our God-our Lord. Whenever you say hallelujah, you say praise God who is peace, love, healing, life, wealth, salvation, justice. The hallelujah is therefore a claim for life, salvation, wealth, healing. There are times we are had pressed on every side and we desire to depart. There are times we are suffocated by thick situations...


MERRYLAND   Revelation 21:19  The foundations of the City walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire,... chalcedony,... emerald, ... sardonyx,... carnelian, ... chrysolite, ... beryl, ... topaz, .. chrysoprase, ...jacinth, and .. amethyst -------------------------------------------- When Lucifer was in heaven at the service of the throne, he encountered the great beauties of the heavenly palace. He himself was also endowed with some of those beauties. And that being a leader at the highest ranks, he saw the true beauties of life to their deepest. Nevertheless, he developed pride and wanted to own all of those beauties. He want to step in the place of God and have full charge of them all. And as he planned to execute his plans, it didn't go well for him. He was arrested and fought till thrown to earth. With all the might anger , he waged war against the inhabitants of the earth and never wants them to...


SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:     THE POWER IN TODAY'S PAIN.   INTRO : There are countless times we face pains. And there are also countless times we face happiness. There is a lot of good things that we reap from the happiness that we encounter at particular times. And in as much as happiness bears us fruits, pains also have their own fruits for us.   PROB : We always look at the bad side of the pains we encounter and underlook the possibility of bearing better fruits from the pains that we encounter.       PURP : To enable us understand the fruits of today's pain so as to embrace trials with proper conscience.    >>> There was a man who had worked so hard to win a game that he participated in. He knew that winning the game will give him a good amount of money that will help him to escape poverty. So he worked so had as if there was no tommorow. It came as if a surprise in a dream when the man won the game. He was das...


FASHIONED FOR FAITH   Matthew 14:28  Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”  29 “Come,” he said.  Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” -------------------------------------------- Have you ever wondered why Peter demanded to walk on water in the first place yet after walking a while he started to sink?  Well, there was something that was more natural at the first place than what came in the second place. Peter saw Jesus and had the great faith that Jesus had awakened in them. The faith was active and motivated Peter to go out and meet his master. But later we see how fear comes in from the thin of the world around Peter and he started to sink. Fear wasn't there originally, but it showed up from the world around Peter. The first phase of greater confidence shows that we are fashio...


SHAPED BY DESIRE. Psalms 37:4    Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. -------------------------------------------- What we call blessings is not what someone else calls blessing. There was a man who had an accident. He was a little elderly and weak. The accident made his condition even worse. He was taken to hospital and that only what could save him was pipes of oxygen. He survived death because of pipes of oxygen. If such pipes were given to you, you won't consider them a blessing like the man did.  There is someone who eats all meals every day, and there is someone who survives on one meal a day. One who survives on one meal a day calls three meals a blessing. God blesses us according to the desires of our hearts. But what if someone didn't have desires, what ground would the Lord stand to bless them.? There would be nothing God would base on to channel the blessing. Do you think the blessings of the rich are same as ...


CLOUDS OF BLACKWOOD.   Isaiah 59:1  Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. 2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. -------------------------------------------- The soot rises high. It goes so high and makes black clouds. The birds above the clouds barely see the ground and the people on the ground barley see the birds. The black cloud is so dense that we barely see the other side. But then, gravity looses its strength and blackwoods float from the burning forest to the black cloud. The sounds and lights are all blocked off from us. We can neither see nor hear the people from the other side.  Even when we raise our voices to cry for help, the people on the other side neither see nor hear us.  There are many times we have tried to throw out sounds to the mighty father yet many times we are not heard. The many iniquities that we d...


LORD'S ARSENAL WON Jeremiah 50:25   The Lord has opened his arsenal and brought out the weapons of his wrath, for the Sovereign Lord Almighty has work to do in the land of the Babylonians. -------------------------------------------- There are many times we are confronted by a cloud of strong forces which can easily turn us over. The many times we are confronted by such energies, we are not able to save ourselves. The battle line is set and wars start. We either lose the game or win the game. A person comes to draw claims of a self that you are not. They come to pour out so much accuses that you fail to line up in numerical order. They come with strange energies to weaken what has been given to us. It is battle in a field of game. Wherever we go, we see battle after battle. But the problem that we have is that we think that wherever we go, we are to fight the wars by ourselves. Obviously you may have a part to play in some game. But in the other games, you are supposed...


GRACE IN THE THICK Isaiah 43:19  See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. -------------------------------------------- The wisest of man is the foolishness of God. Where man's wisdom ends is where God's foolishness starts. The hand of God is not too short to save; His paths start at the end of yours. There are many times we are confronted with challenges that feel impossible. There are alot of times we feel we have been buried in deserts. One thing I have learnt is that where you think you have tried and no further do, it is where God has to take on from. If God did what we did, them He will not be seen as God. He is seen as God because He does what we are not able to do.  Whenever you feel a situation has gone beyond your capabilities, know that it is time to surrender. Whenever you feel a situation has gone beyond your abilities, know that it is a time for God to manifest...


ARMED SIDE BY SIDE   Nehemiah 4:17  who were building the wall. Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, 18 and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked. -------------------------------------------- The Israelites were on the verge of losing out if they lost their weapons. They were also on the verge of being attacked anonymously if they didn't have a wall. They were in-between building a wall and fighting off perpetual enemies. Their "recipe" for the indignant challenge was to be armed side by side. Work in the one hand and be armed in the other. We have been set in a generation where all sides are wanting. And for many who have not been careful, have been taken up by wrong "recipes". Many have concentrated on building the walls while they leave gap for enemies to attack... spiritual enemies for this matter. So sad to gain this whole world and lose your soul.  There is a big group ...