FAITH COMES BY HEARING . James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. -------------------------------------------- Jesus walked by the sea He saw Peter and the brother and called unto them. He needed them to be His disciples. He continued doing the same and brought 12 people together. The people who were purely ignorant about Him as God and His beautiful word. He didn't develope their faith through charms of extraterrestrial magic and powers of higher realms. He spoke and their faith grew. It was through hearing that the disciples of Jesus became the apostles of Jesus. They were also sent to Minister as away of exercising the word. They did not just listen but also did what it says. The apostles did the same ; they taught and built a church, whose faith came by hearing. They listened, understood and did what the word said. How many times have you heard the word but have never done what it says. It was a funny moment, there wa...