BEGINNING IN THE END OF THE MATTER Isaiah 42:9 see, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” -------------------------------------------- A well constructed road will look beautiful. It will give no stress to the drivers. It will look to be long lasting. But what if government wanted to change the materials used in the road construction to something better. She would obviously destroy the former one. The once beautiful road would be made worthless to move on before the new one it put in place. The driver will feel uncomfort for the mean time. And yet it is a beginning in the end of the matter. There are many times, God has torn might heroes in order to begin something new and good. You cannot expect God to do new things without demolishing the former thing. You cannot expect God to create in you a new good spirit without demolishing the former old bad spirit. He has to end the matter be...